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추리 소설: [명탐정의 제물] - 시라이 도모유키

by 수빈이야 2024. 6. 17.

제목 명탐정의 제물
저자 시라이 도모유키
출판연도 2022
장르 추리/미스터리
읽기 시작한 날 @2024년 6월 16일
완독한 날 @2024년 6월 18일

느낀 점

2024년 6월 16일 오후 10:47


I’ve already read half of it, and I’m really not enjoying it.


This book was hyped up a lot, but the writing is terrible. It’s not for me. I’m having a hard time getting through it and I don’t understand what the author is trying to say.



2024년 6월 17일 오후 10:45


There’s no thrill, and because it’s a novel with a religious theme, it doesn’t engage me. I don’t anticipate any surprise.



2024년 6월 18일 오후 1:17


It’s a totally worthless book.


The book keeps repeating itself with endless deductions. It’s not entertaining, there’s no thrill, and it fails to create any sense of horror.


Someone dies, and it’s like, ‘Oh, they’re dead. Next.’ It’s a waste of my time. Who’s the author? They’re the worst. Publishing this garbage should be punishable.


I have no idea why this book is famous.

Recently, I read ‘살육에 이르는 병’ and at least it was somewhat immersive and thrilling. Though it made me feel disgusted and bad after reading it.

But with this book, I can’t figure out what the twist is supposed to be.


Suddenly, the detective is the culprit. He killed 918 people with poison because he was mad about 리리코’s dead.

I need to be more discerning with my book selections. I had a lot of anticipation because it was popular, and I avoided searching to prevent spoilers, but…. 😕