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추리소설: [모방범2] - 미야베 미유키

by 수빈이야 2024. 6. 30.

제목 모방범2
저자 미야베 미유키
출판연도 2022
장르 추리
읽기 시작한 날 @2024년 6월 22일
완독한 날 @2024년 6월 28일



2024년 6월 25일 오전 11:03

This book is so frustrating. Yumiko, Why are you meddling in other’s affairs?

The type of person I hate the most is someone who can’t mind there own business.

No one understands how much I hate who is nosy and talkative people.

If someone like that is around me, I might kill them.

Let’s keep reading it, hoping those idiots will stop being stupid.


2024년 6월 28일 오후 2:50

I finished reading ‘Copycat2’ today.

How should I put it? It’s really fun. I bought copycat 3 today.

The factors that make me keep buying this series.

  • The author’s writing style is captivating.
  • The novels’ structure is divided by character focus, making it immersive.
  • The plot is well-structured and feels natural.

The person I dislike the most

  • Megumi

Honestly, 카즈아키 and 신이치 are more victims, but they are so frustrating. I can’t get attached to them.

The reason I hate 카즈아키

Because, he lacs a sense of self.

Hiromi usually bullies and mocks him, and he never stands up for himself. But now, suddenly, he’s trying to stop Hiromi’s murder.

Why does he find his backbone only in this situation?

A typical coward:

Never picks up when under attack or facing a stronger foe, but steps up when it’s unnecessary and they can maybe make a small difference.